Aku terpaksa harus mengerti kalau untuk saat ini kebersamaan kita sebaiknya tidak diketahui olehnya. Tapi kalau kebersamaanmu dengannya juga harus disembunyikan dariku, lalu apa bedanya aku dengan dia?
I hate holiday seasons especially ones require family gathering. Because those are times where you can easily escape from my radar, sunshine. And I cannot stand it anymore. What is the use of me when you still insist of performing a happy family in front of others?
There's nothing I wanna do except leaving this poisonous relationship you offer me :((
gadis jawa yang hobi mencela (oh..it's in my blood),
gak takut coba semua jenis makanan enak,
a traveling addict
n movie lovers. New thing about me: I am in a complicated relationship with a man whom i choose to be with since..forever :)